Dietary fibers and Health: a very good team!

Friday, February 8, 2013

We all know that dietary fibers are a nutrient that is very important to have a good health; but it is also a misunderstood nutrient. So let’s see its “ID card”.

There are two main types of fiber: soluble vs insoluble.
Insoluble fiber does not dissolve in water: soluble fiber does. We can find both in plants we eat: vegetables, fruits, whole grains and legumes are rich in dietary fibers. 
Although they pass through our system undigested, they are very important for health and play a major role in diseases prevention. Indeed, many scientific research have shown that fibers can help to avoid or to better control diabetes, heart conditions, obesity and also constipation.

Soluble fiber:
Dissolving in water, it forms a gel-like material in your intestine which slows down digestion: the empting of your stomach is delayed and makes you feel full for a longer time than other nutrients. It affects your blood sugar levels and has a beneficial effect on insulin sensitivity. Insulin is a hormone produced by the pancreas: it helps lowering down blood sugar which may have a positive effect on diabetes control. It also reduces LDL blood cholesterol.

Where can I find soluble fibers?
Oatmeal, lentils, apples, oranges, pears, oat bran, strawberries, barley, nuts, flaxseeds, beans, dried peas, blueberries, psyllium, cucumbers, celery, carrots, citrus fruits.

Insoluble fiber:
It is particularly important for our colon: it promotes the movement of material through your digestive system, it has a laxative effect because it adds bulk to the diet so it can be of benefit for those who suffer from constipation. 

Where can I find insoluble fibers?
Whole wheat, whole grains, wheat bran, corn bran, seeds, nuts, barley, couscous, brown rice, bulgur, zucchini, celery, broccoli, cabbage, onions, tomatoes, cauliflower, carrots, cucumbers, green beans, dark leafy vegetables, potatoes, grapes, fruit, and root vegetable skins

A high-fiber diet has many advantages:

  • It lowers the risk of developing hemorrhoids.
  • It helps controlling cholesterol and sugar blood levels.
  • It helps controlling your weight
  • It prevents constipation.
  • Studies have shown that it may help preventing bowel cancer.
  1. Prefer whole fruit instead of juices.
  2. Eat a vegetarian meal at least three times a week.
  3. Add seeds and nuts in your salads and soups.
  4. Add legumes and vegetables to all your meals.
  5. Add whole-grain products in your recipes.
  6. Avoid refined or processed foods, white breads and pasta.
  7. Choose organic fruits and do not remove the skin.
  8. Make snacks with raw vegetables.

In our way of eating, we lack dietary fibers; so it is important to start to change our habits. Try to increase the amount of fiber in your meals but do it gradually to avoid bloating and discomfort.

The rules to follow to increase the amount of fiber in your diet:

For those who are fond of smoothies, let’s try these two recipes:

Almond and Spinach smoothie:
½ cup almond milk
½ cup soya milk
2 hands spinach
½ banana
½ cup pineapple
4 nuts

Put all the ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve in a large glass full of crushed ice.

Avocado and strawberry smoothie:
1 avocado (peeled)
½ cup strawberries
½ cup oat milk
½ cup almond milk
1 tablespoon honey
4 ice cubes

Put all the ingredients in a blender. Blend until smooth. Serve in a large glass.

Osteoporosis: a public health problem

Sunday, January 6, 2013
Osteoporosis is a disease of the bones, meaning “porous bones”. It affects more than 200 million people in the world, particularly women over 50.

Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density: the structure of bone tissue becomes abnormal and so weaker. 
The major problem of this disease is its way of evolution: we often call it “the silent disease” because we cannot feel our bones becoming weaker. For a long time, it can be asymptomatic. Then, a bone fracture is usually the most common way to reveal the disease but it only “suggests” the disease. Fractures are a very common pathology and all fractures are not caused by osteoporosis. That’s why your doctor needs to go further: we can only find what we search!
Sometimes, there is no fracture: back pain or changes in the posture can be the first signs. 

What is it exactly?
As soon as we are born, our bones are constantly being rebuilt and this is true all our life: there is a natural bone remodeling process in our body throughout our lifetime. 
As we get older, an imbalance appears: we lose more bone tissue than we create. Bone density changes and decreases. 
Even if bone loss is a natural process when we get older, fortunately, everybody will not develop osteoporosis. 

However some people are more at risk: scientific researches on osteoporosis suggest that some conditions are linked to bone loss: type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, hormonal disorders and inflammatory bowel disease such as Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. 
Moreover, smoking is one of the major risk factor: it is really important to stop smoking as soon as possible or better to never start…!
An inactive lifestyle is also linked to bone loss: doing sport is very important because it participates in the bone remodeling process. At least, you need to practice 30 minutes (walking, running etc.), three times a week. And let me remind you that sport is also good to prevent cardio-vascular diseases and breast cancer…

What about calcium and vitamin D?
Most of the time, people think that osteoporosis means “calcium or vitamin D deficiency” but as we have just seen, this is not true. However, it is important to have a diet rich in calcium and vitamin D throughout our life because scientific studies have shown that a diet low in these two elements places you at a greater risk of osteoporosis. 

Here we are! Nutrition is still the best thing to prevent disease and imbalance!

Vitamin D:
Vitamin D, also called Calciferol is both a vitamin and a prohormone; it is vital for the health of bones and teeth, as it plays an essential role in the metabolism of calcium in the body. In fact, no matter how much calcium is consumed in the diet or through supplements, it is only absorbed with sufficient quantities of vitamin D. Vitamin D regulates the level of calcium in the blood by improving calcium absorption in the intestine while at the same time minimizing the elimination of calcium in the urine. It also plays a part in mineralizing and demineralizing bones of calcium, depending on the needs of the body. 

Sources: Fishes such as salmon, tuna, trout, Atlantic cod, and sardines are rich in vitamin D. 

Calcium is the most common mineral found in the body. The body of a man contains approximately 1200 grams of calcium, and the body of a woman contains approximately 1000 grams, which represents 1 to 2% of total body weight. 99% of this calcium is found in the bones and teeth (as tricalcic phosphate and calcium carbonate organized in the form of hydroxyapatite). There are approximately 10 grams in soft parts and under 1 gram in extracellular liquids. Calcium is reabsorbed in two separate locations in the digestive tract: the majority of calcium reabsorption occurs in the intercellular space of enterocytes in the small intestine, whereas the rest is absorbed by cells in the duodenum.
The extracellular concentration of calcium ions is strong enough to influence neuromuscular control; a weak concentration could cause nervous disorders such as tetany, hypocalcaemia accompanied by cardiac arrhythmia and lowered neuromuscular excitability.
Calcium is necessary for intercellular links, the protection of cell surfaces, and the creation of cellular extensions or pseudopodia. Calcium ions come into action in the triggering of hormonal reactions and in the course of secretory processes. Cells benefit from an active mechanism that extracts calcium ions from their stronghold. Calcium is useful in building the skeleton and maintaining its solidity; it comes into play during the process of blood coagulation. To maintain stable blood calcium levels that ensure optimal vital functions, the body takes the calcium it needs from its bone reserves. 

Sources of calcium: sardines, spinach, soy beans, endives, almonds, Brazil nuts, hazelnuts.

What about dairy products:
It is better to avoid cow milk and other animal dairy products because many scientific studies have shown that calcium from such products decreases vitamin D level in our body. 
Moreover, as we get older, we do not have lactase anymore: lactase is an enzyme we need to digest lactose, the milk sugar. That’s why many people have digestive disorders when they eat dairy products. It is called lactose intolerance.
To go further if you are interesting in lactose intolerance, take a look to:

Another problem with dairy products is contamination with antibiotics and hormones (it depends on countries laws) which are used in non-organic agriculture. These molecules are then found in dairy products such as milk, cheese, yoghurt we eat. 
This is another reason to avoid dairy products. And if you need to buy some, prefer organic ones if you can. 

Migraines : Can we prevent it?

Monday, December 3, 2012

Migraine is a pathology marked by severe headache. It can last several hours or even 2 or 3 days. Women are more affected than men. Sometimes, the pain is so strong that you can’t even work and need to stay at home, in a quiet room with no light and no sound because you are very sensitive when a crisis occurs. It typically occurs on one side of the head near the temples. Other frequent symptoms are nausea; vomiting and vision problems. 

The physiological basis of migraine is not all known and scientists keep on their researches because it affects a lot of people: 24 million people in the United States. The consequences are important : poor job performance, medical costs, day off work. 
It seems to be a neurological problem in which brain chemicals, nerves and blood vessels are involved.

Most of the time, we can find trigger such as flashing lights, emotional stress and anxiety, lack of sleep and hormonal changes. 

The role played by tyramine is still controversial: 
Tyramine is a substance, created from the breakdown of tyrosin, an amino acid, we can find in aged, fermented and stored foods. It seems to cause blood vessel constriction first and then they dilate. That’s why some experts recommend to avoid or limit foods such as cheese, pickles or soy sauce. But there is no studies to prove it. 

Hormonal changes can also cause migraine: we have found a link between migraine and menstrual cycle. They occur a few days before or during periods because of a drop of estrogen level. Pills can sometimes help to prevent it when migraine is so strong that you can’t bear it.

However, the best thing to do is to find out what your triggers are and thus you can avoid it. No need studies for that…. 

Anti-inflammatories are the most common drugs used to soothe the pain such as ibuprofen or aspirin. But it only treats symptoms….

So what can I do?

Well, the first thing to do is to see a naturopath: migraine appears when there is an imbalance in your body. The naturopath will check all of your body systems. 

Cell poisoning
Until the beginning of the industrial era, mankind was mostly confronted with natural aggressors from the environment. His main enemies were toxic fruits, poisonous mushrooms, allergenic plants, poisonous animals and various microbes.
Since the early 19th century however, the body has increasingly been under attack. The multiplication of chemical agents around us has caused us to suffer the consequences of progress. The tensions of modern life cause a state of stress that inhibits emunctory functions and worsens the overall poisoning of the body. Thus, the lives we lead in modern Western societies, amidst pollution and under a great deal of psychological stress, cause the body to develop various acute illnesses. If toxin overload persists, chronic illnesses eventually appear.
By not eating enough vegetables rich in fiber, vitamins, minerals, enzymes and natural biological substances, Westerners are “digging their own graves with their teeth”. Though our environment is increasingly polluted, it is still possible to keep fit by becoming familiar with health and by learning how to maintain it.

A body overloaded with toxins is in a physiologically poisoned state. Our physiological environment, this vast “aquarium” in which our cells bathe, is polluted. When our body is not fed properly, our cells suffer from deficiencies in vitamins and minerals. A cell in a
depleted and toxic environment is in danger: it does not heal, becomes more prone to cancer and prematurely dies from an accumulation of waste.
Toxemia largely depends on our choices and lifestyles: we model our body by feeding it, exercising it, exhausting it or resting it. Our stress lodges into it, our toxins build up in it, and our sedentariness softens it.
Our body accumulates chemicals, which circulate in our arteries and cause a plethora of diseases.
Even medical treatments, based on the intake of chemicals, are sources of pollution and cancer.

Functional Disease
Functional disease is the state of ill-being and lowered resistance of an organism whose functions are disrupted. Headaches, migraines and various pains, eczema, eruptions, vomiting, general weariness, depression, etc. are all attempts made by the body to rid itself of its toxic overload.

Nutrition and detoxication
Most of the time, there is a work to do about nutrition. Indeed, nutrition is tied to migraines because they reflect an intoxication of the body. So we need to detoxify and then learn how to eat in a good and healthy way. 
How? Drainage agents can help such as fasts and cures. Massages improve blood and lymph circulation so as toxins elimination. 

Biofeedback and relaxation training are also very useful. It can soothe the pain as well as medication but with far less side-effects… Acupuncture seems to help too. Researchers have recently published the first large-scale study that aims to examine the effectiveness of acupuncture under real-life conditions (March 15 issue of the British Medical Journal). They conclude their study saying “acupuncture is a relatively cost-effective headache therapy compared with other treatments covered by the National Health Service of the United Kingdom”. So it is really encouraging and less dangerous than using drugs on a chronic manner. 
Plants and phytotherapy can also help you: mentha piperita essential oil is wonderful. Apply 2 drops on the temples and massage! You will feel better.

 So do not let migraines poison your life, there are solutions!

As we are in December, the AMCC team wishes you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

Winter is coming… so as the flu!

Monday, November 5, 2012

Autumn and then winter are beautiful seasons: leaves on the trees are changing its colors, the sun plays with its rays on the grass freezed by white frost, etc. but it is also the right moment to get cold!
Temperatures are cold outside and hot inside so you experience a lot of changes that are very good to viruses! Your immune system is less strong to fight again infection and you are sick more frequently than usual.

Sometimes it is a common cold: a mild viral infection of the throat, sinuses, nose and upper airways. Usually, it gets better by itself, without the need of a treatment. 

Unfortunately, flu is a more aggressive condition that forced to stay at home for a few days. 
It is a common viral infection, spread by direct and indirect contacts: when you sneeze, tiny droplets of fluid are launched into the air. They contain the flu virus : if breathed in by others, they can catch the flu.
An example of indirect contact is when someone sneezes onto his hands, and then opens a door (without washing it before); if someone else touches the handle a few minutes later and then touches his mouth, he may catch the flu.
And the problem is that people become contagious a few days before the symptoms: they are already infected but they do not know… And they are still contagious until all their symptoms have gone so it lasts a long time!

Flu is also caused by a virus but different from those which are responsible for a cold. Symptoms tend to be more severe: a higher fever, a longer tiredness, and also last for longer. When you catch flu you may have different symptoms: a high temperature, headache, sore throat, general aches, feel nauseous etc. In general, you feel very exhausted so you need to stay in bed and rest. You feel so tired and ill that you cannot go to work.

Simple advice can help to avoid catching the flu : the first thing to do is HAND WASHING. It is a very simple way to limit contact with the virus and though you have better chance to stay healthy. You should use soap and warm water. The Center for Disease Control recommends that people wash their hands for 15 to 20 seconds. A good way to learn children how to wash their hands is to show them all the bubbles they can make with the soap and they need to do it until they have sung “Happy Birthday twice” and then they can blow a bubble on the soap!
Then you should always cough into the arm or better into a tissue but avoid the old advice which said that we should always cover our mouth with our hands when we cough. Why? Because it results in a handful of germs which are then spread on everything we touch, particularly kids. And it is very difficult to wash our hands each time we cough…

Natural way to prevent infections

Essential oils are commonly used to deal with a lot of diseases and pathologies. They are wonderful in winter because they are really efficient to prevent infections. Oregano, lemon, frankincense and eucalyptus oils are well known & effective against flu and cold. It is a good way to avoid using pharmaceutical drugs. 
Essential oils are made of hundreds of molecules that kill viruses (and also bacteria) and support our body’s health.
You can use these essential oils with vegetal (fatty) oils as soon as you feel bad. 
Frankincense is one of the most powerful essential oils to boost your immune system.
Eucalyptus is cool and it soothes the respiratory system: It eases breathing. Do not hesitate to apply one or two drops (with 3 or 4 drops of vegetal oils such as almond or olive oils) directly to the chest. 
Lemon is also a powerful immune-boosting oil but you should take one drop in a spoon fill with honey because it is photosensitive so it should not be applied to the skin without precaution.
Oregano is very powerful but it should be used cautiously because it is a “hot” essential oil. You must always dilute it with fatty oils such as almond or olive.

You can also put two drops of eucalyptus essential oil in boiling water: hold your head over the pot and inhale steam to ease your congestion and drippy nose. 

There are a lot of natural remedies that can be used to heal diseases such as flu and cold. Do not hesitate to look at homeopathy or phytotherapy to help you. 

A painful and common problem: leg cramps

Friday, October 5, 2012

Leg cramps are not rare at all. In fact, almost everyone experiences a cramp in their life. Cramps are common in adults and become increasingly frequent with age.

Most of the time, it is a harmless but annoying condition. You are walking, running etc. and you feel such a sudden muscle pain in the leg that you need to stop. 
Sometimes, it occurs at night when you are sleeping. 

What is it exactly?

Leg cramps are caused by muscles spams: muscles suddenly shorten, they are contracted and you feel pain in your leg.
Why?  Irritated nerves send muscles a signal to repeatedly contract. Even if you try to relax, you can’t. 
You cannot control your muscle anymore as long as the spasm lasts. After a few seconds or minutes, you will be able to control your muscle again and there are not after-effects.

Scientists do not know why leg cramps occurs in healthy adults but there are different risk factors that make leg cramps more frequent, particularly when you are getting older:
  • Side-effects of certain medications
  • Poor muscle conditioning
  • Deficiencies in key minerals
  • Not getting enough to drink
  • Pregnancy
  • Liver diseases.

Most of the time (even if they aren’t related to an underlying condition) , you can consult with your doctor to check.
Then, there are a few tips to help you to prevent leg cramps.

You need to drink at least 1,5 liters of water. When you are doing sport, drink more to compensate for the loss. We are not sure if dehydration can cause leg cramps but it seems to contribute so it is important to get enough to drink. Limit or avoid drinks with alcohol or caffeine
Drink water several times during your exercise routine. While hydrating before and after exercise is good, hydrating during your routine is even better.

Stretching can provide relief. For a calf cramp, lie down and flex the toes of the affected leg upward toward your nose. This action pulls the calf muscles in the opposite direction of the contracted muscles.
Stretch your muscles every day, especially before and after exercise.

Deficiencies in magnesium, potassium and calcium may be linked to leg cramps. Your electrolytes can be checked and you have to vary your diet with:
  • Magnesium-rich food: nuts, chocolate, cereals, spinach, artichoke, almonds and Goji berries.
  • Calcium-rich food: dairy products, green vegetables (spinach, green beans, broccoli), sesame and sunflower seeds, orange and blackcurrant.
  • Potassium-rich food: banana, potatoes, spinach, tomatoes.

You can find below a delicious smoothie recipe rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly calcium, magnesium and potassium. You can drink eat regularly.
You can also add water to dilute and drink it while you do exercise.

6 or 7 almonds
1 tablespoon of Goji berries
1 orange
2 tablespoons of blackcurrant
1 banana

Put all the ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Serve in a large glass.

Massage can also help to prevent leg cramps. Do not hesitate to use essentials oils: they are wonderful.

Put 10 ml of Lavandula angustifolia essential oil in 100ml of almond oil and massage your leg before going to bed or after doing sports. You can keep this preparation in a tinted glass bottle.

Father’s age and Pregnancy

Thursday, September 6, 2012

In rich countries, women have their children later: being pregnant after the age of 35 is not an exception.

We have all heard about the danger of pregnancy when the mother’s age is over 35. Risks increase for the mother and the baby: pre-eclampsia, miscarriage, problems during childbirth. 

Moreover, scientists have proved that being pregnant after the age of 35 is linked to a major risk of genetic diseases. The most common is Down syndrome, also known as trisomy 21, a chromosomal condition caused by the presence of all or part of a third copy of chromosome 21. It is typically associated with a delay in cognitive ability and physical growth, and a particular set of facial characteristics. A large proportion of individuals with Down syndrome have a severe degree of intellectual disability, and they also have several abnormalities like congenital heart disease, thyroid disorders, an increase risk of developing cancers etc.

What about father’s age? As we have just seen, mother’s age is linked to genetic conditions, is it the same thing when the father gets older?

According to an article published on the site WebMD, father’s age may matter more than the mother’s when it comes to the risk of some disorders like autism in children.

Scientists have discovered that the number of de novo mutations in children increases by two for every year of the father’s age. The whole amount doubles every 16.5 years.
Previous studies have linked these genetic mutations to autism, schizophrenia and other developmental disorders.
Kari Stefansson, MD, PhD, CEO of deCODE Genetics in Reykjavik, Iceland explains: “It's very likely that the increase in autism in our society of late is at least partly explained by the increase in average age of fathers”.

So we are done with the traditional sentence: “men can wait as long as they want to have children”. This is not true, not all men can have children when they get older. If they do, they stand a higher risk of having a child with a genetic defect.

Mother’s age is commonly known to be linked to genetic conditions because mass media have broadcast information for many years. However, the link between father’s age and genetic conditions is new. It is important to broadcast it too because it is a public health concern.

Stem Cell Clinical Trials : What's happening as stem cell treatments are tested in people.

Do not hesitate to look at this article: it is difficult to find comprehensible and easy papers about this contentious subject: pros and cons, you will find here information. 

“Tricks and tips”: Bruises and haematoma.

Monday, August 6, 2012

A haematoma or hematoma is a localized collection of blood outside the blood vessels. Usually, it is a simple bruise, also called a contusion: a minor hematoma caused by broken capillaries and small venules damaged by a trauma. In general, it is not dangerous but it hurts and is unsightly. Simple care and advice are enough to deal with it.

How can I improve skin resistance?

Our skin is like a barrier to protect us from everything in the outside. It is really important to take care of it, particularly when we get older because it becomes thiner and our blood vessels are more fragile. Free radicals attack our cells and the blood vessels break more easily from minor bumps. 
The first thing to do is changing the way you eat. Cells need a lot of nutrients of good quality. Wheat germ oil, hazelnuts, avocado and almonds are rich in vitamin E. It is an important vitamin because it has strong antioxydant effect. It slows down skin ageing and protects cell membranes. It is proved it improves blood circulation, particularly inside the capillaries and vessels regain softness. 
Flavonoids increase capillaries resistance and decrease cell permeability: you can find it in lemon, apricot, sweet pepper, and broccoli. It is an excellent protection against bleeding. 
Don’t hesitate to eat food rich in vitamin C: orange, spinach, blackcurrant, kiwi and watercress: it is venotonic.
Eat fresh fruits and vegetables and do not let them too long in the fridge because their vitamin concentrations decrease quickly.

  • Protective Oil
This oil is dedicated to protect and soothe your skin. Calophyllum inophyllum oil and Argan oil protect blood vessels: they are more resistant. Vasomotricty is more effective. We add essential oils to improve the protection: Citrus limonum and Citrus reticulata help to prevent vessels’damages. Pogostemon gablin is well-known for its venotonics properties.


70 ml of Argan oil.
30 ml Calophyllum inophyllum oil
1ml Pogostemon gablin essential oil.
1ml Citrus limon essential oil
1ml Citrus reticulata essential oil

Mix it together in a small glass bottle. This preparation should be applied directly onto the skin. Be aware of Citrus limonun and Citrus reticulata essential oils: they are light-sensitive: We therefore do not recommend applying it before exposing yourself to the sun.
This protective oil is also excellent before a surgery to prepare your skin and ease healing without bruises. Apply it for 2 weeks before the surgery and stop it two days before going to surgery.

  • Protective herbal tea.

Drinking herbal teas is very good because active principles get directly throughout the body and can be effective everywhere. This is particularly interesting when we deal with blood vessels because they are organized in a net. Using three different plants with phlebotonic properties, we help blood vessels to be more resistant. Thus the blood circulates more easily and bruises are less common than before.


50g Melilotus officinalis (flowers).
50g Blackcurrant (leaves).
50g Vinca minor (leaves)

Mix it together in a jar. Take 3g and put it into 25cl of cold water. Heat it gently on the cooker. When mixture starts to boil, turn off the burner and let infuse for 3 minutes. Filter it and add some honey. You can drink two cups a day for 7 a week.

Did you know it?
A poultice made of cabbage leaves is extraordinary to heal bruises. Its properties are countless. It clears, eases blood circulation and regenerate tissues. 
When you have a bruise, take 3 leaves of organic green cabbage. Wash it carefully and cut the central rib. Use the rolling pin to mash 2 leaves. Put it onto the bruise, then cover with the third one. Bandage gently. Keep it all night and do it again every day until the bruise has disappeared.

Laure Martinat